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IREF is an indigenous Indian Christian movement working in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Its headquarters are in the town of Repalle, near the mouth of the River Krishna.

The area is predominantly rural and many of the people suffer from acute poverty.

While India is fast becoming a world-wide hub for trade and commerce, this desolate farming area is still very remote and destitute.

It is here the IREF spreads the life changing news of Jesus Christ both in word and deed.

What we do

Children’s Housing
Medical Services
Providing Potable Water
Occupational Training
Church Planting

Mission statement

IREF is dedicated to:

  • Reaching the rural population of Andhra Pradesh, South India, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Mobilising and equipping national workers to carry out evangelism and so fulfill the Great Commission
  • Planting local churches and enabling them to develop
  • Caring for orphans, providing them with a good academic and spiritual Christian education
  • Providing good Christian education at Further and Higher (Degree) levels, especially to young people from deprived backgrounds
  • Providing free medical check-ups and medication for those in its care
  • Establishing Income Generation Projects to enable the poorest Christians to provide for their families
  • Providing emergency relief to cyclone, flood, and disaster victims

Our purpose

IREF(UK) exists to promote and support the work of IREF in India. Various IREF(UK) funds have been established to receive and pass on gifts for the work.

100% of donations to IREF(UK) are passed on in full to IREF(India), unless specifically designated for the Fund’s administration (e.g. postage, printing and promotional costs).



Founded in 1950 by a young teacher, Prasada Rao, and his wife, Lydia. The work of the mission in India is now run through a Board of Elders, all of them Indian nationals, under the chairmanship of Prasada Rao.


Formed in 1986 to encourage prayer and financial support for the work in India. It is led by a Board of Directors based in the USA.


Formed in 1996 to support and promote the work throughout the United Kingdom. It is overseen by trustees and is a Recognised Scottish Charity, number SC033100.